
The plugin adds the fake_subprocess fixture. It can be used it to register subprocess results so you won’t need to rely on the real processes. The plugin hooks on the subprocess.Popen(), which is the base for other subprocess functions. That makes the,, subprocess.check_call() and subprocess.check_output() methods also functional.


You can install pytest-subprocess via pip from PyPI:

$ pip install pytest-subprocess

Basic usage

The most important method is fake_process.register_subprocess() which allows defining the fake processes behavior.

def test_git(fake_process):
        ["git", "branch"], stdout=["* fake_branch", "  master"]

    process = subprocess.Popen(
        ["git", "branch"],
    out, _ = process.communicate()

    assert process.returncode == 0
    assert out == "* fake_branch\n  master\n"

Passing input

By default, if you use input argument to the Popen.communicate() method, it won’t crash, but also won’t do anything useful. By passing a function as stdin_callable argument for the fake_process.register_subprocess() method you can specify the behavior based on the input. The function shall accept one argument, which will be the input data. If the function will return a dictionary with stdout or stderr keys, its value will be appended to according stream.

def test_pass_input(fake_process):
    def stdin_function(input):
        return {
            "stdout": "This input was added: {data}".format(

        stdout=[b"Just stdout"],

    process = subprocess.Popen(
        ["command"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    out, _ = process.communicate(input=b"sample input")

    assert out.splitlines() == [
        b"Just stdout",
        b"This input was added: sample input",

Unregistered commands

By default, when the fake_process fixture is being used, any attempt to run subprocess that has not been registered will raise the ProcessNotRegisteredError exception. To allow it, use fake_process.allow_unregistered(True), which will execute all unregistered processes with real subprocess, or use fake_process.pass_command("command") to allow just a single command.

def test_real_process(fake_process):
    with pytest.raises(pytest_subprocess.ProcessNotRegisteredError):
        # this will fail, as "ls" command is not registered"ls")

    # now it should be fine
    assert"ls") == 0

    # allow all commands to be called by real subprocess
    assert["ls", "-l"]) == 0

Differing results

Each register_subprocess() or pass_command() method call will register only one command execution. You can call those methods multiple times, to change the faked output on each subprocess run. When you call subprocess more will be raised. To prevent that, call fake_process.keep_last_process(True), which will keep the last registered process forever.

def test_different_output(fake_process):
    # register process with output changing each execution
    fake_process.register_subprocess("test", stdout="first execution")
    # the second execution will return non-zero exit code
        "test", stdout="second execution", returncode=1

    assert subprocess.check_output("test") == b"first execution\n"
    second_process ="test", stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    assert second_process.stdout == b"second execution\n"
    assert second_process.returncode == 1

    # 3rd time shall raise an exception
    with pytest.raises(pytest_subprocess.ProcessNotRegisteredError):

    # now, register two processes once again,
    # but the last one will be kept forever
    fake_process.register_subprocess("test", stdout="first execution")
    fake_process.register_subprocess("test", stdout="second execution")

    # now the processes can be called forever
    assert subprocess.check_output("test") == b"first execution\n"
    assert subprocess.check_output("test") == b"second execution\n"
    assert subprocess.check_output("test") == b"second execution\n"
    assert subprocess.check_output("test") == b"second execution\n"

Using callbacks

You can pass a function as callback argument to the register_subprocess() method which will be executed instead of the real subprocess. The callback function can raise exceptions which will be interpreted in tests as an exception raised by the subprocess. The fixture will pass FakePopen class instance into the callback function, that can be used to change the return code or modify output streams.

def callback_function(process):
    process.returncode = 1
    raise PermissionError("exception raised by subprocess")

def test_raise_exception(fake_process):
    fake_process.register_subprocess(["test"], callback=callback_function)

    with pytest.raises(
        PermissionError, match="exception raised by subprocess"
        process = subprocess.Popen(["test"])

    assert process.returncode == 1

It is possible to pass additional keyword arguments into callback by using the callback_kwargs argument:

def callback_function_with_kwargs(process, return_code):
    process.returncode = return_code

def test_callback_with_arguments(fake_process):
    return_code = 127

        callback_kwargs={"return_code": return_code},

    process = subprocess.Popen(["test"])

    assert process.returncode == return_code

As a context manager

The fake_process fixture provides context() method that allows us to use it as a context manager. It can be used to limit the scope when a certain command is allowed, e.g. to make sure that the code doesn’t want to execute it somewhere else.

def test_context_manager(fake_process):
    with pytest.raises(pytest_subprocess.ProcessNotRegisteredError):
        # command not registered, so will raise an exception

    with fake_process.context() as nested_process:
        nested_process.register_subprocess("test", occurrences=3)
        # now, we can call the command 3 times without error
        assert subprocess.check_call("test") == 0
        assert subprocess.check_call("test") == 0

    # the command was called 2 times, so one occurrence left, but since the
    # context manager has been left, it is not registered anymore
    with pytest.raises(pytest_subprocess.ProcessNotRegisteredError):